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cashmere care instructions

We want you to enjoy your luxurious cashmere garment for years to come. Cashmere is a natural product that requires some special care. Please find below our instructions on how to wash cashmere and care for your garments.

for our pieces in delicate cashmere, please check the special washing and care instructions on the label in the garment.

what you need

- high-quality washing machine
- wool detergent
- washing bags or pillowcases
- towel for drying
- iron
- cashmere comb or fabric shaver

1. washing

cashmere loves water! all extreme cashmere garments are machine washable and easy to maintain

wash your cashmere sweaters and other garments regularly in a high-quality machine – we recommend Miele – on a wool program (30°C/86°F at 600rpm)

to maintain the soft cashmere properties of the garments, wash with wool detergent and no softener

wash a maximum of three cashmere garments of similar colour per cycle in separate bags or pillowcases

2. drying

after washing, dry the cashmere garment lying flat on a towel as it prevents the garment from stretching out

avoid hanging your cashmere garment to dry

3. pilling and ironing

all natural fibres pill, some people pill more than others and some colours pill more than others. After washing you can remove excess pilling from your cashmere garment by using a cashmere comb

the pilling will lessen after time when taken proper care of your cashmere garments by following these instructions

iron your sweater and other cashmere pieces at low temperature, using a thin cloth between the iron and the cashmere. This will help ease the fibres and get them back into place

4. storing and resting

after wearing cashmere for a day, it is best to let it rest for two days after. This will help the fibres recuperate

always store your cashmere sweater and other cashmere knitwear folded in a drawer or on a shelf. It will lose its shape when you hang it on a hanger

5. cutting

all extreme cashmere garments come with a fabric care label stitched into the garment. Before wearing, remove this label and save it for later

the length of some cashmere trousers and dresses from extreme cashmere can be adjusted by cutting the hem. Bring it to your local dress maker or ask us for advice

want to know more about our cashmere? click here to read all about the high quality of extreme cashmere products.